Award Recipient Banned from FCPS
A young man with a criminal record received a prestigious award last week for his work with at-risk children. For the recipient Aje Hill,...

Rock Creek Key to Waverley Construction
UPDATED 12.5.2017, 12:25 to add information from FCPS on upcoming public meetings on site selection. Click here for more details. A new...

Teacher Retirement Underfunded
Teacher retirement benefits known as Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) are currently only 20 percent funded with $635 million in...

Student Inventors Tackle Global Problem
[Pictured above: Members of the FCPS Inven team gather round a prototype of their project to adapt rocket stove technology to produce 300...

Alban Looks Behind and Ahead
Dr. Terry Alban, Superintendent of Schools for Frederick County, has just been named this year’s Superintendent of the Year by the...

Eliminating the Zero?
As Frederick County Public Schools are getting ready to start a new academic year, Superintendent Theresa Alban wants to have a...

BOE Member Calls for Transparency
UPDATE: The BOE voted Wednesday evening to award a lease for Lincoln A Elementary School to the Boys and Girls Club of Frederick County...