Extra Voices, Nov. 6, 2017
The Frederick City Election is really revealing the nature of the candidates and their stand on ethics By Edward Burrell A candidate...
Extra Voices, Sept. 20, 2017
The local heroin crisis, and revisiting the great monument debate Frederick County’s deaths of despair By Karl Bickel Deaths of despair...
Fun with Firefighters
As the weather warms and the flowers bloom, our minds turn toward summer vacations, family outings or pleasant evenings spent with a...
287(g) Yea or Nay?
Extra Voices is The Frederick Extra's opinion section. Since the clumsy introduction and politicization of the Department of Homeland...
Why Kim Dine should run for Mayor
Extra Voices is The Frederick Extra's opinion page. There are many reasons why former Frederick police chief Kim Dine should run for...
Community Governance and Frederick's Future
Community Governance, what is it and why should Frederick look to it for the future? Community governance is a means of governing that is...
Can the vast federal bureaucracy save the republic?
While President Elect Trump tweets his way toward his inauguration, fears continue to grow among those who oppose his presidency, as it...