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Praying for the Great Right (??) Hope

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the contributors to Extra Voices on this website do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of The Frederick Extra.

To understand a viewpoint it is necessary to understand the circumstance of the pointer of the view.

The eighty-four year old writer of these facts and opinions has been a political gadfly going back to the election of Harry Truman and proud to say I participated smally in that mission impossible. Since this time I have labored in the bowels of this great American social experiment in many capacities as employee and employer. And always as a participant in the electoral process. I doubt if any of my efforts will earn me an honorable mention in the epics of our nation’s history. But I have so loved the freedoms of choice available during my productive years! These freedoms of choice can be found only in nations offering market driven economies and participatory governments.

Fifty years ago an economist named Walter Williams predicted that our great middle class economy would end as government introduced more and more controls. His logic was that since government made the rules it would eventually compete with and destroy the freedom in free enterprise and with it the great middle class.

In a government-controlled economy only those in government become wealthy or those anointed by the appointed. The evolution is nearly complete as evidenced by the shrinking private sector middle class and the growing number of millionaires whose only business has been the business of government or doing business with government.

In the course of my many small business endeavors, I have been a victim of, and witness to, several unfair excesses of governmental agencies. In recent years, since I stopped being a player, I have watched it get worse. My hat is off to any young person who undertakes an enterprise in the economic climate of today. I would no more attempt to start a business today then I would be a street cop again. I think far too many young would-be entrepreneurs share my feelings as evidenced by our stagnant real economy.( Not to be confused with " government stimulated" economy.)

I honestly had given up and was willing to accept social bondage for our future generations as inevitable. It is the only way a government controlled economy can work and that always poorly for the masses. It is possible for it to work better but only after the citizens are socially engineered, as in China. I would not wish what happened to their citizens during " The Great Leap" and " Young Pioneer" periods upon animals of the fields and never on any human beings. However, it did produce a socially subdued citizenry happy for a TV and full rice bowl.

Our two-party political system is broken. The elected representatives are now only allowed to serve the party and no longer represent the people. If you doubt me, you have only to look back a few years for proof. Maryland's sixth district was represented by very popular Beverly Byron (D). She was adamant about voting with the will of her constituents when their will was clear. This earned her a back stabbing by her own party such as not seen since Caesar’s Ides of March. To serve them rightly, a neophyte Republican beat the anointed Democrat in the general election. He held the seat for fourteen years until corruptly gerrymandered out.

The Republicans are only a bit better. They do, however, handle their uncontrollable with a bit more class. This is evidenced by the snubbing given by the party entrenched to their 2016 duly nominated candidate, Donald Trump. This, as Laurel used to say to Hardy, brings us to our present" fine kettle of fish.”

A writer named Sowell summed it up best with an analogy in a recent column. He likened our predicament to being in a burning plane with a potentially faulty parachute. We are offered the choices of going down in flames with the party anointed at the yoke as continued corruption destroys our government. Or putting our trust in a megalomaniac who may have the power to save life as we know it in the good old USA.

My fear of a government-controlled economy may be fueled by visions of the two Koreas juxtaposed. What a shining example of free market vs. government control. The Korean War also encapsulates the concept of a proud, noble America. More than 32,000 Americans died there to preserve the right of self determination for the South Koreans. When the war started and Truman committed us, the lines at the recruiters went into the streets. We were a people proud of our identity and willing to fight to retain it

My fear of any attempt to regain this feeling of noble National Identity is caused by memories of another republic that lost their national pride and tried to get it back. It was the Weimar Republic of 1920-30s Germany. It took a megalomaniac to end corruption and bring back their pride.The lessons learned and the tragedies and shame that ensued will not soon be lost in history.

This is why I have no fear of our megalomaniac. We still remember. Many of the people who lined up at the recruiters in 1950 are still with us. We are the little brothers of those who eliminated the scourge of 1930-40s Europe. We are the Wallys (Grand Torino) of America. There are many of us in Trumps basket of deplorables. The minute any megalomaniac tries to take away our old M-1s or suspend our Constitution he will find us in the streets with little to lose.

By the time we hear the ping he won't feel a thing. On my life, I promise you this. I mean it hugely and I can only pray that he shuts his mouth long enough to get our message for his sake and mine.

I really don't think I have to worry. There are too many bought and paid for voters clinging to their little rice bowls for him to be elected.

Bob Hilton is a retired police officer, realtor, columnist , and more, and is currently wise and sometimes cranky old man.

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