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Thanksgiving and Politics?

Fresh from a stressful election that divided friends, family and neighbors, I asked some FB buddies how they plan to handle the inevitable discussions around the Thanksgiving table.

With 40 people from diverse countries (including Haiti, Canada and Jamaica) and political affiliation, I am planning on having a sign at the front door - "No politics"

--Carol Jaar Sepe

My parents will land in Boston this evening. I know they voted for Trump. This has been almost as large a source of anxiety for me as the election itself. I'm feeling better about it. My approach has been to act as if this election has never happened, and I expect them to follow suit.

I'm going to try my best to just say, we'd rather not discuss the election if my mom brings it up (she can make almost anything about politics). I don't want a blowout. They're here for nine days. I feel though, with them being the winners across the board, maybe it will be easier for them to hold their tongues.

---Reagan Haynes

Hey, thank goodness everyone on Thursday is on the same page. We'll be preaching to the choir, lol.

--Wendell Poindexter

I adhere to a strict rule of NO POLITICS OR RELIGION talk during those times...whether complementary or conflicting views...NO discussion. That being said, I can't always enforce my will on others, so I try to deflect with humor or simply walk away.

---Heather DeTroeyer

There are no tips, strategies and/or magical solutions. Your love for family comes first and foremost. Cherish each moment you spend together despite their difference of opinions. OPINION, (noun) "a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge." It shouldn't be a life changing event.

---Pierre Bowins

When the wife rivals Emeril in the cooking dept., no one gives a rats ass about the politics.

---Jamie Rose

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