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Extra Buzz, Vol. 2

What are folks buzzing about today? Read on!

--Ok kids, this one should be an easy guess: What former local politico, perhaps emboldened by Donald Trump’s unlikely triumph, is eyeing the top job at City Hall? And yes, he’s been a registered Frederick city voter since 2014. Frederick City election is fast approaching, so we should know soon enough if someone’s staging a comeback.

--In the is he or isn’t he category is a SECOND potential mayoral candidate. A former delegate who bombed out in a city election not long ago. Word is he’s getting his team together. Might be hard to overcome an endorsement of Mayor McClement in the last race.

--Also heard that a local political writer is considering a run at Mayor, too. If so, he needs to come clean on his blog before writing anything about upcoming Frederick City election, don’t ya think? Fresh air does a body good.

--And, I leave you with this nugget to make of what you will: Former director of code enforcement demoted himself to minion, then left the building altogether. Dan Hoffman hasn’t made a secret that his job was less than fulfilling.

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