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Extra Buzzzz, Vol. 5

Extra Buzz is the word on the street from credible sources. Sometimes you have to guess, but other times I just lay it out for you.

*** In city news, Democratic Alderman Michael O'Connor formally threw his hat in the ring for Mayor on Jan. 6. When more sign on, The Frederick Extra will give you a good, long look at all the candidates. For now, congrats, Michael, and thanks for your contributions to The Frederick Extra.

O'Connor supporters long believed that he'd find opposition in the form of his colleague Alderman Josh Bokee, another Democrat. But Bokee told The Frederick Extra this week that he is not tossing in for mayor, and hasn't yet made up his mind about running for alderman.

And congrats to another Frederick Extra contributor, Kris Fair. A man who gets things DONE has announced he wants to be a city alderman.

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