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Extra Buzzz, Vol. 4

Extra Buzz is the word on the street from credible sources. Sometimes you have to guess, but other times I just lay it out for you.

Your candidate list for the Frederick City 2017 election is growing longer by the day. A lot of "will she or won't she," and "what about HIM" scuttlebutt is flying about.

***Here's a teaser that shouldn't rattle the brain cells too much to come up with the right answer. A recent twitter sensation who left a trail of drama in her wake ha allegedly got her heart set on becoming a city alderman. Second time's a charm. And the name recognition cannot hurt!

***On the will-s/he-or-won't-s/he end of the mayoral candidate spectrum is the ever-popular Kim Dine, former city police chief, fresh off a three-year stint as Chief of Police of the United States Capitol Police. (If you watched the presidential inauguration coverage on D.C.'s WRC-NBC, you caught Frederick's former chief on and off all afternoon giving commentary. Sorry we missed it!)

As of this weekend, he hasn't decided. He'd be running as a Democrat.

So far, only Alderman Michael O'Connor's formally announced his intention to run for mayor on the Democratic ticket. With former mayor Jennifer Dougherty likely tossing in as a Democrat, and former commissioner, delegate and mayoral candidate Galen Clagett rumored to have gathered a campaign team, the Democratic mayoral primary race is shaping up to be a slate of recognizable faces.

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