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City's "Sanctuary" Scam

Extra Voices is FredEx's opinion section.

Sanctuary City or faux pas for political points in an election year? Sure, we could sit around and talk about nullification of federal overreach for days; this plan doesn’t pass the muster. This Frederick City proposal has no teeth, no meaning and lacks intellectual honesty. Even those wishing to draft the measure admit that there is no way that they can protect migrants here illegally, it only provides that there is some support within the community.

Everyone needs a scam in an election year and this is possibly one of the reasons I don’t make for a good politician. Creating false narratives or emotionally charged legislation via talking points is one of those scams. Pulling at people’s empathetic side, daring those who disagree to speak up and marking them as hateful bigots, racists or xenophobes aggressively becomes their response. How do people fall for it? Seriously?

There are some things we just can’t breach federal authority on; immigration laws are one of them and it is properly designed to preserve the nation as a whole. The City of Frederick can’t do anything to protect criminal migrants from federal authority or the system in place that is used to provide legal presence. Federal legislation states that illegal aliens can’t work legally in the US. There is penalties to employers including fines and jail time, which are enforceable no matter what our City says. Therefore, there is no safe or sanctuary status in criminally charged illegal presence or employment. Even persons here legally can lose their status, by breaking laws. We even perform extradition services to criminals wanted in their home country.

The question is how bad do they want freedom? We are a nation built on laws.

This scam clearly is trying to get the anti-Trump crowd wound up. Too bad the public has to endure yet another political partisan hyperbolic clap trap that makes the choir feel warm and fuzzy and during an election year.

Maybe the next time a scam is created, with unenforceable laws they should look to enforce the one about spitting outside that has been codified for years. Since reading this, I won’t go out of the house without at least flip flops on.

[Photo above by Kate Yourishin Main for Frederick Gorilla.]

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