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Extra Buzz, Vol. 9

UPDATED 3.23.17, 9 a.m., see below in blue.

Remember in last week’s Extra Buzz, Vol. 7 that Sen. Ron Young (D-Dist. 3) said his seat in the state legislature is targeted by Gov. Larry Hogan, in the form of Craig Giangrande? Stick with me to the end here.

Craig hadn’t responded when I asked him via social media about his campaign plans, but he later sent a message that he had “no comment.” Since then, however, I received pics of what looks like a nicely designed palm card, reading “Craig Giangrande State Senate District #3” on one side, and “Working Together We Can Make it Better,” on the other with his website and email address.

Trump trumps Hogan

Young also posited Frederick County Council Member Billy Shreve was another possible candidate for the Republican nomination. That rumor’s been bouncing around for a few years, but today Shreve said he is indeed eyeing that race. “I am thinking I will run for senate,” Shreve said. “I haven't 100 percent decided yet, but am leaning that way.”

When asked about Hogan-backed Giangrande, Shreve, said he is not worried because he has Trump's support. Shreve was the co-chair of the Frederick County Trump campaign in 2016. If Trump’s support in Frederick County remains steady until 2018, Shreve thinks he can best Giangrande. “Trump had twice the support of Hogan,” Shreve said. Should Trump supporters stay true, he predicts a similar outcome for his buddy, Council Member Kirby Delauter (R) in his quest to become county executive in 2018. “He’s just like Trump,” Shreve said of Delauter.

Coming from all sides

During my conversation with Sen. Young last week, he also saw potential opposition from his own party in the form of the Vice President of the Board of Education Elizabeth Barrett. He said he’d heard her name as a potential primary challenger from several people.

Barrett was a guest on Frederick’s Forum on 930 AM WFMD, Saturday, Mar. 18 when I subbed for host Pattee Brown. I asked her if she had plans to run for state senate in district 3, and she said she was giving it some thought. The office could benefit from a fresh voice, she said. Barrett stressed that she doesn’t like being told to ‘wait her turn’ when it comes to running against a fellow Dem. Elected positions don’t belong to anyone, Barrett said.

Jumping Ship?

UPDATED: Sen. Young said he "has no intention of running for mayor. He just helped engineer an end run against hotel naysayers.

On an unrelated/semi-related note: A senate budget committee added $16 million in state funds previously slashed from the public-private projec, and removed restrictions. We'll see how this plays out April 3. Can the addition of state money survive this session? The move has been in the works for awhile, but Dems said on the sideline that they didn't want to stir up the opposition by talking about it sooner.

Having all those possible contenders for his state senate seat might be giving Young second thoughts about running again next year. He’ll be 77 this year, and he knows the race will be brutal.

I lay the foundation here because credible sources are saying Young is considering another run at his former job, mayor of the City of Frederick. Young was mayor for four terms, from 1974 to 1990. He sued the city to negate its residency requirement to run for mayor in 2005 against incumbent Jennifer Dougherty in the Democratic primary. He won, but was upset in the general by Republican Jeff Holtzinger. The mayor’s office has been held by Republicans since.

Young didn't hold back on his criticism of the current mayor's lack of leadership on the downtown hotel conference center project. That is very much a Young pet project, bringing him full circle to Carroll Creek and to his original vision of a hotel-conference center.

If Young does run, he will have a rematch against his former nemesis, Dougherty, and two-term Alderman Michael O’Connor. Former county commissioner and state delegate Galen Clagett sent out letters recently asking Democratic city residents if they would support his second run at mayor. He ran against Karen Lewis Young in the Democratic primary in 2013, lost and then endorsed current mayor, Republican Randy McClement.

Clagett, however, has not officially filed to run. His state campaign fund is still active, but not his city campaign fund. To run for mayor, he will have to close the state account and reopen his city account.

A lot of familiar faces may be vying to be the next CEO of Frederick, and some of them share some old enmity. Buckle up!

Speaking of the Hotel

A local hotelier who supported politicos opposed to state funding of the public-private partnership conference center and hotel project recently rebranded his property, including a conference center. Word on the street is that the rebranding is simply a renaming and a quality downgrade,and that there won't be any additional conference space at the hotel anytime soon.

Extra Buzz is the word on the street from credible sources. Sometimes you have to guess, but other times I just lay it out for you. If you have something to share, anonymity guaranteed, send me an email:

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