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Letter from CHS Principal

From Catoctin High School Principal

[Photo, left, CHS Principal Bernard Quesada, courtesy of The Gazette/Bill Ryan]

School Safety Follow Up

Monday, March 27, 2017 Dear CHS Families:

I am writing to follow up on the FindOutFirst notice I sent Thursday, March 23. Our excellent partnership with our families and local law enforcement partners has yielded confirmation that the possible threat we advised you of has been addressed to keep our school safe. As you know we took action immediately together with our law enforcement partners to remove the student involved from the campus.

The Frederick County Sheriff's Office, in cooperation with FCPS, has conducted a thorough investigation. I am providing you a link to their news release so you can see the findings they are able to share today [read it here]:

I again want to assure you that no one at our school was harmed, no individual was directly threatened, and there were no weapons or other dangerous materials at our school. We take all threats concerning student safety extremely seriously, as does law enforcement.

While we handled this incident quickly and appropriately, we always ask for your help in controlling rumors, particularly social media rumors. The bottom line is this: We keep our school safe, and we will continue to work together as a community to keep it safe.

School counselors are available to any student who would like to speak with them. As always, administrators, teachers and all staff are trusted adults to whom students, parents and others may express any concern about safety at any time.

Please feel free to call the school office at 240-236-8100.

FCPS also publishes the Safe Schools Tip Hotline number so that anyone can communicate concerns at any time: 1-877-636-6332. Working together, we will continue to keep our school community a safe place to learn.

Sincerely, Bernie Quesada, Principal

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