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Extra Buzz, Vol. 10

Will he or won't he?

Congressman John Delaney (D-MD) came to Frederick yesterday to get the low down from Frederick County folks on the potential impact of Pres. Trump's budget on local programs. After the roundtable discussion, I nabbed the 6th District congressman for a quick interview. And I mean quick. This man's on a tight schedule. I couldn't let the moment pass without asking about the oft-repeated rumor. Before I could even form the words, Rep. Delaney jumped in with, "I can't comment on that."

Guess he's been asked about that rumor every other minute. So I appealed to his better nature by asking, "Wouldn't you like to give a scoop to an independent, online newspaper run by a reporter who interviewed you before anyone thought you had a snowball's chance to be elected?" Or something like that.

It kinda worked. The question: "Are you running for governor of Maryland in 2018?" Rep. Delaney, first elected in 2012, said that a year before the 2018 Democratic primary will be "an important date." That would be June 26, 2017. He said it twice, either for emphasis, or because he thought I was so stunned at getting more than a "no comment," that he wanted to make sure I heard him the first time.

So what do you think? Will he announce a run to challenge a fairly popular and moderate Republican? Even with the "Trump effect," Hogan's hovering at about a 65 percent approval rating, according to a March Washington Post poll. But Maryland's a Democratic stronghold and Trump is wildly unpopular among Dems these days. Hogan has a rough road trying to navigate around the White House and his constituents. Perhaps Delaney will be announcing a run for Sen. Ben Cardin's [D-MD] seat.

We'll find out in June, eh? Mark it on your calendars.

The Frederick News Post Says Adios

Sadly, we are saying goodbye to the Frederick News Post next week, at least in its current configuration. The Randalls, whose family has been at the helm for 134 years, sold out to The Ogden Newspapers and the sale becomes final next week. Although I am not 100 percent on the sale date, Apr. 17 is supposed to be the drop dead date for when FNP employees find out if they are still employed.

Ogden has a history of cutting staff and salaries. Here's hoping that our friends at the FNP retain their jobs with salaries intact. Barring that, I wish them well wherever their next chapter takes them. This is rough business these days, but there hasn't been a more critical time for good journalism.

Extra Buzz is the word on the street from credible sources. Sometimes you have to guess, but other times I just lay it out for you. If you have something to share, anonymity guaranteed, send me an email:

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