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Extra Buzz, Apr. 25, 2017

Holes Wide Open

Frederick’s Local Yokel, our very own Wonkette, beat us to it, but FredEx had a very similar reaction to an Annapolis wrap up, courtesy of Frederick County Delegation chair Kathy Afzali– seriously, how did that happen twice? My better self wants to tell the delegate to say no to drugs. Or at least, say no to sending emails to your constituency whilst in a cough-syrup induced delirium.

But mostly, we're applauding this bit of Trump-inspired word vomit. Delegate “No Holes Barred” [her phrase, not mine] spills some hot tea and offers some wildly unprofessional gossip about the crafty, corrupt, sick, narcissistic, loopy lefties running amok in Annapolis. Why, it’s all poor moderate Senate Leader Mike Miller can do to keep the cuckoos from taking over the asylum. It’s so good, we have linked you to it here.

The cough-syrup inspired screed doesn’t spare Democratic county leaders. Afzali, rumored candidate for County Executive 2018, wrapped up her tell-all with a few jabs at CE Jan Gardner and County Council Member Jessica Fitzwater. “Locally there was an apparent power struggle between elected Democrats and the Delegation. First, the County Executive refused to work with Senator Hough on the local County Ethics bill and then Jessica Fitzwater negated the will of the Delegation that I should serve as the representative on the County’s Human Trafficking Task Force. Apparently, Councilwoman Fitzwater thought that a non-liberal woman wouldn’t care about the exploitation and slavery of young men and women.”

Ummm…that’s not really the way it went down. Read more about the battle of the ethics bills here.

As much grief as FredEx gives Afzali sometimes for her vapid leadership and self-serving hypocrisy, we have to hand it to her twice over: 1) her base will eat this missive up, and 2) love her or hate her, she’s never boring. She’s Frederick’s version of Sarah Palin with better manners.

Catching up with Duck

Andrew Duck announced he’s exploring the possibility of potentially seeking the Democratic nomination again for 6th District Congressman, citing Rep. John Delaney’s intention to run for governor as an impetus. Duck, the perennial 6th District candidate, ran in 2006, 2008 and 2010, winning the Democratic nomination in 2006 and 2010. He lost to former Frederick mayor, and current mayoral candidate, Jennifer Dougherty in 2008. The general elections were much tougher battles against a long-term incumbent in a strong Republican district. With the gerrymandering redistricting of 2012, Duck may find more sturdy pickings, but he won’t be the only one eyeballing that seat. We predict a slew of candidates vying for 6th District, so Duck’s smart to tap in early.

Blind Item: Party Poopers

Which local lawmaker is likely to face pressure from leaders in his/her own party to step down before the next election? Fearing his/her seat is at risk, and that this particular lawmaker may be vulnerable and not be up to the task of keeping said seat, word is the party in question is looking for a more electable sub. That’s one sticky wicket with the potential for resounding backlash.

Extra Buzz is the word on the street from credible sources. Sometimes you have to guess, but other times I just lay it out for you. If you have something to share, anonymity guaranteed, send me an email:

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