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Extra Buzz, June 20, 2017

It’s official. Del. Kathy Afzali (R-Dist. 4) said in her -- blog? campaign website? – something online, that she is not seeking reelection in 2018. She put it in bold and capped “not,” so she wants to make sure you get it, get it?

The Frederick Extra, along with others, have long speculated that her ambition lies in the county executive’s office. We figure that will be her announcement after Labor Day, when she promises she'll tell us all about her political aspirations. Oh, the suspense!

The two-term delegate ends her missive by giving herself a pat on the back, and a nod to her run-ins with local Republicans.

“As a Republican who has gone up against my party's establishment more than once in the last 8 years, I am hoping to gain ground for common sense in Frederick County and the state of Maryland," she writes.

Okay, since she brought it up: one of those infamous “run-ins” with party establishment should include her local battle with Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, who boasts many ride or die supporters, especially in the far reaches of the county.

And, since she confesses in her blog to “love rumors” about herself, we thought we’d add another to the swirl of chatter. Three sources have heard this story, so make of it what you will. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll recall that “the cute one,” as she likes to call herself [as opposed to who and what, we wonder, but we digress] texted the Sheriff during a banquet at the Emmitsburg fire hall a few years back, calling him “a wimp” and “a bully,” and telling him he had “no power.” For the whole juicy story, read my Frederick Magazine story, Turmoil, Tantrums and Turf Wars.

One of Afzali’s flaws as a politician is that she has some seriously thin skin. The tough little lady turns into a melting snowflake if she hears you badmouthing her – even if she just THINKS you are. Maybe snowflake isn't the right description. Perhaps, ankle-biting chihuahua? You decide.

So that act of rebellion blew up on her at the time, and it may come back to bite her in her political ass-pirations. It’s no secret that Afzali’s been asking for donations for her campaign to run for county executive. Word is one potential donor had his checkbook open, pen poised in the air when he asked the candidate about her relationship with the Sheriff. Afzali couldn’t “cute” her way out of that one, and admitted it wasn’t good.

With that, the pen came down and the checkbook slammed shut. Time will tell if her scuffle with Jenkins will ding her irreparably in the county executive election. You can be sure that another county exec Republican hopeful, Council Member Kirby Delauter will try and ensure that it does.

Now if Delauter can just get his defacto campaign manager to cover up the tattooed name of his other declared opponent in the Republican primary …

Frederick City Election welcomes two more to the fray

As we inch towards the July 3 filing deadline, another Democrat has filed to run for the board of aldermen. Ben MacShane filed Friday, June 16. The husband, and father of a baby daughter, owns Principled Contracting, a business that works in hotel construction and renovation. He doesn’t view the needs of business and social justice issues as incompatible.

“Broadly speaking as a candidate, I bring to the board of aldermen business leadership and experience, along with progressive and social justice advocacy,” he said. “We can promote business growth and jobs and create a progressive community at the same time.” More on his campaign coming soon, MacShane said.

No surprise that Mayor Randy is seeking reelection, given that he’s had his campaign website and Facebook page up for some time. His formal announcement comes June 29 at Way Off Broadway. He’s inviting supporters to come by at 6 p.m. “for an exciting announcement.”

Well now, it’s about time something “exciting” happens in this election, which so far has been a snoozefest. And for now, with just one Republican signed on to run for BOA – each party elects five nominees in the primary – that race doesn’t look much like a race. Will Mayor Randy run unopposed? That doesn’t sound very “exciting.”

The Frederick Extra added a City Election tab at the top of the page. You’ll find candidate op-eds and other city election news there. Be sure to mark your calendars for a mayoral debate on Aug. 21 at Frederick Community College. Sponsored by The Frederick Extra, 930 AM WFMD, Frederick Magazine and FCC’s Phi Theta Kappa students, the debate starts at 7 p.m. More details to come.

Message to Law Enforcement from the Suns

Political activist Watu Mwariama said his group, the Suns of Reawakening, is holding a press conference at 11 a.m. on Thursday, June 22 in front of the Frederick County Courthouse. They want to draw attention to terrorist attacks and attacks made against minorities and other vulnerable population groups. They will ask local law enforcement for help – and accountability - in thwarting violence from “the alt-right,” Mwariama said.

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