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Extra Buzz, June 28, 2017

2018 cannot get here soon enough for some people.

The buzz has been deafening of late on potential candidates for the gubernatorial race, but we haven't heard much about county council hopefuls until lately.

Familiar and not-so-familiar names, are being courted, and why not? With incumbent Republicans Kirby Delauter and Billy Shreve looking elsewhere in 2018, and Council President Bud Otis, elected at large as a Republican in 2014, and with a decision to make, there may be more breathing room. No word on what the Democrats on the council plan to do yet.

Two names The Frederick Extra's hearing are those of former commissioners, Kai Hagen and Lennie Thompson. Hagen, a Democrat, is not a good fit for his home district. District 5 Council Member Delauter is running for the Republican nomination in the county exec race, but its highly likely another Republican will take his place

So, if true, Hagen who would appeal to more Frederick city voters, will likely be looking at an at-large seat. Otis has one of those two seats now; Council Member Shreve has the other. Thompson is a less likely candidate. Most of his former supporters say Thompson's sworn off resurrecting his political career. But there's a small tide of folks who want to see Mr. Thompson back at Winchester Hall.

As for Otis, he's not tipping his hand. He said in a recent interview that he'd have to talk to trusted friends and colleagues before deciding to seek reelection, and if so, as a member of which party? He asked me what I thought. I was a bit taken aback at the role reversal, but then realized that there's no good answer to that question. I think that's what Otis wanted to communicate.

The former long-time chief of staff to Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, Otis was elected as a Republican in 2014, but has opted to cast most of his votes with the three Dems on the council, giving them the majority wins. Otis is currently registered as "unaffiliated," but has been seen courting, and being courted by, progressives and Dems lately. Is that influenced by his social media guru, or just gut instinct?

How Otis runs, as in which party or "unparty," and for which seat, has consequences, and not just for Otis. His decision will likely factor into other wannabes' plans for seats on the county council.

Mark Long, who lost to Delauter in 2014, is rumored to want an at-large seat. So is Susan Reeder Jessee, who lost by a nose to Shreve three years ago.

Loose Lips

Dems are energized, but they might want to curb the enthusiasm for picking-a-horse-before-the-primary talk. Frederick Pride, a superb event from stem to stern, organized by the Frederick Center, was an opportunity for Democratic candidates in the 2017 Frederick city election, and at least one filed for the 2018 gubernatorial election, to kiss babies, shake hands, fatten their contact list, and hand out free merch. For the party, it was a time to promote the principles and direction of the Democratic party, locally, in the state and on the national stage.

And to gossip.

Beware loud, loose lips, Dems, especially in public places.

Pride Pics!

And here's some vibrant - spicy like that ginger beer I had at the event, and colorful like the outfits, the tents, and nature - pics of Frederick Pride 2017 along the Carroll Creek Linear Park.

The creek was truly buzzing for Frederick Pride, music, food, politicos, businesses and social justice groups lined the creek on both sides, with music provided all day in two spots. Congrats to organizers The Frederick Center! The Center is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to support, educate, link, organize, and provide outreach to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer community of central Maryland.

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