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Aloi files for Frederick mayor

Randy McClement will not have an uncontested primary race in his bid to be reelected for a third term as Frederick’s mayor. Shelley Aloi, former alderman and 2014 Lt. Governor candidate, filed today, the last day for candidates to officially file. [Photo, Shelley Aloi from her Facebook page]

Aloi, who ran against McClement in 2013, said in an interview today that for a time, she let the vitriol on the national political scene “intimidate her, but ultimately she decided to take a chance.

“The powers that be in politics like to tell folks what they can and cannot do,” Aloi said. I chose to do what was in my heart.

I knew I wanted to do it, and frankly after a few experiences in the winter, and the vitriol on the national scene, and a little here, Let it intimidate me. And I wouldn’t let it intimidate me.

Her experience in the 2014 gubernatorial race with gubernatorial hopeful Ronald George, a delegate from Anne Arundel County, she said some major media focused on the “vast differences between Democrats and Republicans.” Aloi isn’t buying it.

“I get we are talking about a primary race now, but people are more alike than they are different,” she said.

Aloi believes that Frederick city has great potential and that leadership should take on the role of making things happen. Since the 2014 run, Aloi said she took a lot of time to remember who she was, what she is passionate about outside of politics. “I spent time remember my purpose and calling in being here,” she said.

Stay tuned to The Frederick Extra for more from Aloi’s campaign in the next few weeks.

Reminder that The Frederick Extra, Frederick Magazine and 930 AM WFMD are sponsoring a mayoral debate on Monday, Aug. 21, starting at 7 - 9 p.m. at the JBK Theater at Frederick Community College. Democratic primary candidates Jennifer Dougherty and Michael O’Connor will debate in the first hour, and Republican candidates Aloi and McClement will debate the second hour.

The Extra and WFMD are also cosponsoring an aldermanic debate, which will air on 930 AM WFMD before the primary election on Tuesday, Sept. 12. The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Republican aldermen candidates showed up in force today. Hayden Duke was the sole Republican until the afternoon of July 3. Last minute Republican filers include Bruce Blatchley, Katie Bowersox, former alderman, Alan Imhoff, and Nate Power.

Kim L. Williams filed last week to run in the Democratic primary for aldermen, but has not yet responded to a request for comment. Williams is the tenth and final Democratic primary candidate.

For more on the city election, check out the City Election section of The Frederick Extra.

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