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Extra Buzz, July 14

UPDATED 9:50 a.m., 7/14/17

See below

Vote for ME! Violation or Obnoxious Enthusiasm?

A legislative aid made the rounds at the House of Delegates building in Annapolis Thursday, encouraging employees to “vote,” in an online newspaper poll, for Del. Kathy Afzali (R-Dist. 4) for Republican primary nominee in the 2018 County Executive race. Strips of paper, printed with the link to the poll, were handed out in the hallways, around the building, according to an eyewitness. 

Hard to believe folks were expected to type in that link as presented. That takes some dedication!

Nancy Smith, who works for Afzali, allegedly passed out the links and asked takers to “vote on as many devices as possible,” according to the source, who is considering reporting the incident to the state’s Ethics Counsel. “It honestly made me uncomfortable, especially because it’s in direct violation of public ethics laws that we are all aware of. Matters such as these are taken very seriously in state office buildings and on state time,” the witness said.

The Frederick Extra has asked for a response to this report from the state’s Ethics Counsel Deadra W. Daly, the chairs of the Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, and Del. Afzali, and will update as needed.

Adventures with Afzali, part 2

While we’re on the subject, if you are a regular reader, you’ll recall that Del. Afzali, also the chair of Frederick County’s state delegation, announced she wouldn’t be seeking reelection, but will talk about her political plans after Labor Day. Worst kept secret ever. In the email she sent making this announcement, Passing the Torch, on June 22, the second-term legislator goofed by asking for campaign donations, with the promise of contributing half to a volunteer fire company.

That’s a no-no, according to state campaign finance regulations:  Candidates cannot give campaign contributions to charity. Jared DeMarinis, the state's director of candidacy and campaign finance, sent Afzali an email about the infraction, but three weeks later, and the announcement is available and unchanged.

DeMarinis has not yet responded to The Frederick Extra’s requests for information regarding potential penalties. Maybe there are none. And if that’s the case, why bother regulating at all?

UPDATE: DeMarinis said Friday that the matter was "closed." No violation occurs unless an expenditure is made, and no expenditure was made, he said. "The campaign committee is aware of that, and she is not going to make any expenditures if she follows the guidelines set forth," DeMarinis said. 

If such a violation did occur, it would be deemed "an impermissible expenditure," and would be referred to the state prosecutor.

Adventures with Afzali, pt. 3

The Battle of the Polls, soon to be known as the shot across the bow in what promises to be a long slog of a campaign season, was hot and heavy recently.   A “third-party poll” a few weeks ago showed Afzali tying with County Executive Jan Gardner in the 2018 contest, and a big win by Gardner over Council Member Kirby Delauter (R.)

With the poll results and 2014 election numbers in hand, Afzali visited Delauter at his Thurmont home on July 4 to break the bad news that Delauter is a loser in this race, and ask him to step down, Delauter said in an interview. The meeting was cordial, he said, but he wasn’t swayed by the request  -- or the job offer – that came with the devastating news.

Afzali apparently sweetened the pot by offering Delauter a job in her administration. After telling her he doesn’t need a job,  he asked why she wouldn’t want to put forth her own agenda as CE, and her response, Delauter said, was that she doesn’t know as much as he does about how county government works and needs his help.

The meeting ended with Delauter telling his visitor that he’d look over the info and get back to her. More likely, get back AT her. With his own poll.

Written and distributed by semi-disgraced politico Cameron Harris [google him], incorporating allegations against Afzali and asking the voter for their preferred candidate. Delauter was the big winner this time. So there. See the entire poll here.

As for Harris, Delauter said he’s handling some social media and marketing efforts because “he’s good at what he does.”

“Everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance,” Delauter said about Harris.

Anyone else getting a Tracy Flick vibe from Candidate Afzali?

Del. Afzali has not yet responded to a request for comment, but if, and when she does, we’ll update the story.

More Polling Buzz

The Republican Central Committee is leaking. Trouble in paradise? Again? Absolutely not, said former RCC President and County Council Member Billy Shreve (R.) With the exception of one member, Shreve said the RCC is solid. Others may differ. Stay tuned.

The question arose when Shreve was reported to have requested $7,000 for polling, but Shreve said that wasn’t entirely accurate, and was annoyed he had to address what should be a private RCC matter.

So lean in close.

Shreve said $7,000 is the amount the RCC agreed to spend on Frederick city candidates. Not sure if that is for the primary, the general, or both. He asked to spend $2,000 of that on an issues poll so that candidates can find out what the issues are, he said. Hmmm...there's no aldermanic Republican primary because there are only five candidates, and all advance to the general election. 

If the poll is indeed for the primary, it begs the question: why would the two Republican mayoral candidates, one a former alderman, and the other a seven-year incumbent, need a poll to find out what the issues are in the City of Frederick? 

What are we missing here?? And what is the sudden fascination with polling? After Nov. 8, 2016, you'd think we learned our lesson.

Moving On

Literally. County Council President Bud Otis is selling his Middletown home. Barry Weller, realtor to politicos, has listed the property with the Radcliffe Realty Group. Otis assured The Frederick Extra that he wasn’t joining his old boss on the compound in West Virginia, or retiring to a condo at Worman’s Mill, but simply looking for a place to keep horses. Weller confirmed that his client’s intentions are to stick close to home. Otis himself wants to stay in the valley.

We’re picturing a campaign poster with Pres. Otis perched atop a horse. Worked for former senator and delegate David Brinkley, who got plenty of attention,  sitting on his horse alongside Rt. 15.

Don’t forget the cowboy hat. 

Dem Bones

What’s with the bones in garbage bags in Urbana?? The Frederick Extra received a bizarre text around the time a woman was telling the Frederick city’s Historic Preservation Commission last night about witnessing a construction crew bulldozing a road and turning up human bones in a cemetery of a church, and depositing them in garbage bags. The visitor, who is said to work in the mortuary business, has the photo evidence. Apparently – it’s legal?

Anyway, of course this came at the end of a very long hearing for the HPC, including a decision on the historic building on the Randall property that’s earmarked as the site of a hotel. The commission determined there’s enough history in the Birely Tannery building to warrant further investigation.

That’s a big deal. But, show of hands, how many of you would rather read about bones in Hefty bags?

Raises hand.

The Frederick Extra would follow up on this, but strongly suspects that this story will get plenty of play elsewhere. If not. let us know. ;)

Sheer Gossip and Rampant Speculation

The Frederick Extra reported on Sen. Michael Hough's (R-Dist. 4) new job as chief of staff with Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV 2nd District) but now we are hearing something we put in the "kinda crazy, but these days, who knows?" category, will he soon be following his boss and long-time political pal to a condo in West Virginia? As in, is Rep. Mooney going for governor of the wild, wonderful state? With Hough as his lt. governor? 

I see a made-for-TV movie coming. Any title ideas?

Extra Buzz is the word on the street from credible sources. Sometimes you have to guess, but other times I just lay it out for you. If you have something to share, anonymity guaranteed, send an email to

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