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Extra Buzz, Aug. 29, 2017

The Frederick city primary election is looming, but the 2018 gubernatorial election keeps tossing shiny things in our path - like who’s running for what, and who led us on a merry chase to the Governor’s Mansion, only to announce he’s aiming south, to that “dump” on Pennsylvania Avenue, in 2020. Yes, that’s you, 6th District Congressman John Delaney (D.) The FredEx, like many of its peers, was duped by Delaney and scooped by A Miner Detail.

Shoutout Ryan Miner for good old-fashioned shoe-leather reporting in breaking the news of Delaney running for POTUS, not Governor.

Mining for a Moderate

Our friends at Maryland Matters and A Miner Detail are also on top of the 6th District Congressional race, but we have to mention our own Sec. of Labor and Licensing and Regulation. We’ve watched her rise from the ranks of the Republican Central Committee, then on to Dist. 4 delegate, before joining Gov. Hogan’s team in 2014.

Sec. Kelly Schulz’ name [Pictured right] has been percolating around the state, from WBAL to WFMD, from GOP think tanks to social media, and, landing here at Maryland Matters. Will she? Won’t she? Why would she? Can she run and still keep her job on Hogan’s cabinet? [A call to Jared DeMarinis from the State Board of Elections about whether a candidate serving in an appointed state position has to step down to run for office wasn’t returned before Buzz time. But will let you know what we find out.]

She’s made few enemies along the way, and has earned a reputation for passion, honesty, and hard work. Should Sec. Schulz heed the siren’s call to toss in for a job on Capitol Hill, several questions come to mind, though. Would campaigning for a new role during her boss’ reelection bid send the wrong message to voters?

What would that look like in district that’s admittedly gerrymandered for a Democratic win? Is it a risk worth taking, now that it appears any map blocks or changes will not likely happen before the 2018 election? Republicans made up 47 percent of voters before the map was redrawn in 2011, and only 33 percent after redistricting.

Republicans, angling for a win in court and at the polls, still want to be prepared. Word is that putting up moderate woman Republican with widespread appeal is on the GOP’s 2018 to-do list. Schulz fits the bill, but will she take the bait?

Schulz is apparently weighing her options, but is savvy enough to keep her plans to herself for now.

Shuffling the Deck

Pure speculation from credible lips to this page: Lois Jarman, Ph.D, whose 2014 exit, stage left, from the 2014 Board of Ed. race helped defeat conservative candidate Cindy Stickline-Rose, is supposedly eyeing the office of state delegate for district 4. With Del. Kathy Afzali announcing her super-secret plan for county exec, that’s one empty seat out of three delegate offices.

Look for Shirley McDonald, who bowed out with Jarman, to run for a spot on the BOE again. She made it through the 2014 primary, so has the name recognition and supporters. The BOE has staggered elections, with elections for half the board every two years. Ending terms in 2018 are: Pres. Brad Young, VP Liz Barrett, and members Colleen Cuisimano and Dr. April Miller. Young said he’s on the fence, Barrett has toyed with state senate, but enjoys the BOE, Cusimano has already said she’s done, and Dr. Miller’s plans are up in the air.

Watch for Cusimano, the Republican BOE member who often takes the unpopular position, to make a run at an at-large seat on the county council. That’s the word, not THE word. Dr. Miller is said to be considering serving in a different capacity, too.

Head spinning yet?

For FredEx readers who are having a hard time separating rumor from reality, or keeping up with the flurry of names bandied about, we offer the 2018 state and local races and candidates by category: Filed; Announced; Probable; Possible; and Potential. We’ll update as necessary.

In the 2018 gubernatorial race, Frederick County voters help elect 6th District representative and U.S. senator, governor, comptroller and attorney general. Locally, we elect a county executive, five council members by district, and two at large members; two state senators and six delegates; four members of the BOE; sheriff; state’s attorney; clerk of court; register of wills; judge of orphan’s court and central committee members.

Let's stick to the local races for now. Know something we don't yet? Drop a line to

County Executive

Filed: Regina Williams (R)

Announced: Council Member Kirby Delauter (R) Dist. 5

Announcement Sept. 14: Del. Kathy Afzali (R-Dist. 4)

Probable: County Exec Jan Gardner (D)

County Council

Filed: Dist. 1: Dylan Diggs (R)

Announced: At large: Danny Fararr (R)

Probable: Incumbents: Tony Chmelik (R) Dist. 2, Jerry Donald (D) Dist. 1, Jessica Fitzwater (D) Dist.4, M.C. Keegan-Ayre (D-Dist.3), and Bud Otis (At-Large Unaffiliated)

Not-so-new-newcomers: Philip Dacey (R), Kai Hagen (D), Susan Reeder Jessee (D)

Possible: At Large: Colleen Cusimano (R)

Dist. 5: CJ Borns

Potential: Steve McKay, Matt Sieubert, Jason Miller

State Senate, District #3

Announced: Incumbent Ron Young (D-Dist.3) and Craig Giangrande (R) Council Member Billy Shreve (R)

State Senate, District #4

Filed: Incumbent Michael Hough

Delegate, District #4

Filed: Dan Cox (R), Jessie Pippy (R), and Darrin Ryan Smith (D)

Probable: Incumbents Barry Ciliberti (R) and David Vogt (R)

Possible: Lois Jarman, Ph.D

Delegate, Districts #3A and 3B

Probable: Incumbents: 3A: Carol Krimm and Karen Lewis Young; 3B: Bill Folden


Probable: Incumbent Sheriff Chuck Jenkins


Probable: Incumbent Liz Barrett

Possible: Incumbents Brad Young and Dr. April Miller; Shirley McDonald

Register of Wills

Filed: Incumbent Sharon Keller

Extra Buzz is the word on the street from credible sources. Sometimes you have to guess, but other times I just lay it out for you. If you have something to share, anonymity guaranteed, send an email to

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