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Public Invited to Foreign Policy Debate

The Hood College Republicans and Hood College Democrats will be hosting a debate on foreign policy at the school in the Whitaker Campus Center on Monday, Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. The main questions will be centered around the Middle East, globalization, and Israel. All members of the community are welcome to come.

Locally produced documentary on 9/11 available to view

3 Roads Communications documentary "For the Love of Their Brother" was broadcast on more than 200 Public TV station on 9/11 this year. The documentary, which focuses on heroic 9/11 firefighter Stephen Siller, and the charitable work his family has done in his name, was a prime time staple in dozens of markets across the U.S., including in Washington, D.C., where it ran back to back at 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. on two different stations. To begin streaming the documentary on Amazon Prime, and be inspired, click here.

"It's amazing how this story still resonates with people. It shows that we want to believe in the good in people, that we want to believe that heroes will run into burning buildings to save people they don't even know, and we want to believe that families will always have each other's back and that they will lways be there for us," said 3 Roads President Russ Hodge.

For the 16th year, Hodge will emcee the start of the Tunnel to Towers event in New York City on Sept. 24. The race honors Stephen Siller and other first responders who lost their lives on 9/11. The race draws 50,000 participants and has raised more than $70 million for burn units, orphanages, scholarships and smart homes for catastrophically wounded veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Federated Charities Participates in 2017 Unity Campaign, September 13-24

What do 232 pounds of locally grown vegetables, 29 dozen eggs, 242 wheelchairs, 7 professional development sessions, 3 pairs of shoes and 2 soccer team registration fees have in common? These are all services, activities or emergency needs met in Frederick because of your support for our programs and services. Not only do you support nine other nonprofit organizations who share the office space in our building, you are also a part of our Community Table project, our small grants assistance program and the Beverly A. Sharrer Medical Equipment Loan Closet. You have believed in our organization and paid it forward with your gifts and donations. Federated Charities has long known that the power of collaboration makes each of us stronger and for the past two years we have worked closely with our local partners through the Unity Campaign. As always, we can use your help. Please consider paying it forward during the Unity Campaign this year. Each dollar you give counts for more because of generous sponsors who offer matching funds in the campaign. We have been here with our wheelchairs and crutches when you really thought that climbing that ladder was a good idea and we're asking you to be here for us in return. By making a donation through our 2017 Unity Campaign page, every dollar you contribute directly to us comes to us and a portion of it is matched by generous sponsors. Thank you. On behalf of everyone who has ever borrowed a walker, please donate.

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