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Extra Buzz, Nov. 22, 2017

Lots has happened since we last published an update of local candidates and potential candidates for 2018. Here’s a few highlights and an updated list for all you political junkies out there. Let us know if anyone is missing or misrepresented and The Frederick Extra will update.

The latest - and hottest – rumor floating around is centered on former mayor Jennifer Dougherty. Was she in campaign mode again at last week’s Monocacy Plowman and Fisherman Club’s event? Dougherty, who lost a bid for mayor to Mayor-Elect Michael O’Connor in the Sept. 12 primary, was seen making the rounds and pressing the flesh at the Democratic event that featured state party chair Kathleen Matthews. If babies had been there, she’d likely have been kissing them, too.

[Photo right: Sen. Ron Young and Jennifer Dougherty with state party chair Kathleen Matthews at Democratic Unity Event, Sept. 17 at Brewer's Alley in Frederick]

Soooo – what will it be in 2018? The buzz is she’s gearing up to challenge her one-time nemesis state Sen. Ron Young (D-Dist. 3). Young, 77, is going for a third term and is so far unchallenged in the primary race. Two Republicans, business owner and retired NJ police officer, Craig Giangrande, and County Council Member Billy Shreve will be vying for the same job. Young’s seat is particularly vulnerable, given his tight race with a relative newcomer, Republican Corey Stottlemyer in 2014. He’s said his seat is one of five senatorial seats targeted by Gov. Larry Hogan(R) in the state.

Speaking of Shreve, we hear his former colleague and mentor Blaine Young got a bit long-winded at Shreve’s fundraiser a few weeks ago, prompting Shreve to take the mic away from him with a quip about Young’s attraction to the limelight. Fun times.

County Watch

In the loose lips category: Word is Sen. Michael Hough [R-Dist.3] and Blaine Young have put their money where their mouths are when it comes to their respective favorites – Del. Kathy Afzali and Kirby Delauter - in the Republican CE primary race. Not sure how much the wager is, but if they really wanted to help, maybe they should have donated that cash to their candidates?

In the meantime, County Executive Jan Gardner is raising cash for her reelection bid, kicking it off at her home on Oct. 19. The women’s event drew about 120 women, and is similar to an event she held in October 2013 before announcing her run for CE. “I love women supporting women,” Gardner said. “Lots of energy.”

Her formal announcement will likely come in January, she said. [Picture above courtesy of Jan Gardner]

We’re not sure what the county’s man without a party is aiming for in 2018. Elected as a Republican, County Council President Bud Otis has been the darling of the Dems, breaking ties on the seven-member board. He switched his party to “unaffiliated” midterm. He’s resurrected his old candidate Facebook page, but it doesn’t reveal what office he wants, only that he’s for Frederick County.

A local paper reported he wants a shot at the CE race as a Republican candidate, but there’s not much to substantiate that. Look for a feature on Otis and Republican CE candidate Regina Williams in the next month.

Steve McKay of RALE (Residents Against Lansdale Expansion) fame who went head to head with the previous board of commissioners in court – more on that to come – will challenge incumbent Tony Chmelik in the Republican primary for a seat on the council in District 2.

But watch out, fellas. Another county activist, Lisa Jarosinski, wants that seat, too. The Democrat from Mt. Airy worked with Citizens Against Kemptown Electric Substation (C.A.K.E.S) and RALE was encouraged by the success of the two groups.

“Having seen the ability to be successful and affect change through grass-roots work like C.A.K.E.S. and RALE, I have decided that I would like to serve the people of District 2 on the County Council. I want the voices of the people in District 2 to be heard and appreciated,” Jarosinski said. A tax preparer and bookkeeper, she earned a Master of Administration Science from Johns Hopkins University. [Pictured right, Lisa Jarosinkski]

State Races Hits and Misses

Ken Kerr, elected to the Board of Education in 2016, is eyeing a run for state delegate in Dist. 3B. Incumbent Bill Folden has filed to seek reelection. Over in 3A, Ryan Trout confirmed he’s running and filed for the one of two delegate seats. The Democrat is pitted against incumbents Carol Krimm and Karen Lewis Young in the primary.

BOE Prez Brad Young’s not interested in running against state Sen. Michael Hough [Dist.4], he said, but local Dems aren’t giving up on the possibility.

Del. Karen Lewis Young [D-Dist. 3A] and spouse Sen. Ron Young [D-Dist 3] made an appeal for campaign funding to Western Maryland Progressives, and got some Democratic heavy hitters to sign on. First reported in Maryland Matters by former Gazette state reporter Josh Kurtz, the fundraising letter is signed by Sen. Ben Cardin; Congressman Jamie Raskin; Gov. Martin O’Malley; Sen. Chris Van Hollen; Attorney General Brian Frosh; Gov. Parris Glendenning, and Sen. Barbara Mikulski. Congressman John Delaney, who announced a run for POTUS 2020, did not sign the letter.

Read the letter here.

Updated Local Candidate List

County Executive

Filed: Regina Williams (R); Del. Kathy Afzali (R-Dist. 4)

Announced: Council Member Kirby Delauter (R) Dist. 5; County Exec Jan Gardner (D)

County Council

Filed: Dist. 1: Dylan Diggs (R); At large: Danny Fararr (R)

Announced: At large: Jason Miller (R), Philip Dacey (R); Dist. 2: Steve McKay (R), Lisa Jarosinski (D)

Probable: Incumbents: Tony Chmelik (R) Dist. 2, Jerry Donald (D) Dist. 1, Jessica Fitzwater (D) Dist.4, M.C. Keegan-Ayre (D-Dist.3), and Bud Otis

Not-so-new-newcomers Kai Hagen (D), Susan Reeder Jessee (D) and Mark Long (D) for At-large

Possible: At Large: Colleen Cusimano (R)

Possible: Dist. 5: Chad Barrick (R), Dr. April Miller (R)

Potential: Dist. 2: Matt Seubert

State Senate, District #3

Filed: Craig Giangrande (R)

Announced: Incumbent Ron Young (D-Dist.3) and Council Member Billy Shreve (R)

Possible: Former mayor Jennifer Dougherty (D)

State Senate, District #4

Filed: Incumbent Michael Hough

Delegate, District #4

Filed: Incumbents Barry Ciliberti (R) Dan Cox (R), Jessie Pippy (R), William Valentine (R), and Darrin Ryan Smith (D)

Probable: and David Vogt (R)

Possible: Lois Jarman (D); Millicent Hall (D)

Delegate, Districts #3A and 3B

Filed: 3B: Incumbent Bill Folden (R); 3A: Ryan Trout (D), James Dvorak (R)

Probable: Incumbents: 3A: Carol Krimm and Karen Lewis Young


Probable: Incumbent Sheriff Chuck Jenkins; Karl Bickel


Probable: Incumbent Liz Barrett

Possible: Incumbents Brad Young and Dr. April Miller; Shirley McDonald

Register of Wills

Filed: Incumbent Sharon Keller

Extra Buzz is the word on the street from credible sources. Sometimes you have to guess, but other times I just lay it out for you. If you have something to share, anonymity guaranteed, send an email to

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