And Another One Rides the Bus
Going By Hound It’s not just TransIt that hauls my carcass around. Sometimes I use the commuter bus’s bigger cousin, Greyhound, to get...
Thanksgiving and Politics?
Fresh from a stressful election that divided friends, family and neighbors, I asked some FB buddies how they plan to handle the...
Love Trumps Hate
Andrew Duck and Kristopher Fair kick off the Love Trumps Hate Rally on Sunday, Nov. 13 at Baker Park in Frederick, MD. More to come from...
I hoped he wouldn’t vote
I had an interesting conversation with someone a few weeks ago in which politics crept into the discussion, and my hope was that he...
And Another One Rides the Bus
Election Day Wheeling There’s a reason presidential candidates put their campaigns on a bus—usually after wrapping up the party’s...
The Saudis and 9/11 A Larger Truth Emerges
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the contributors to Extra Voices on this website do not necessarily reflect the...
Healing Begins November 9
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the contributors to Extra Voices on this website do not necessarily reflect the...