Frederick Biz Buzz, Nov. 27, 2017
Frederick Biz Buzz helps you stay in the know about new, closing and transitioning retail, restaurants and services in Frederick County...
Extra Buzz, Nov. 22, 2017
Lots has happened since we last published an update of local candidates and potential candidates for 2018. Here’s a few highlights and an...
First Steps to a New School
11.30.2017: SEE MEETING TIME UPDATE BELOW Waverley Elementary School to be built by 2022 Teachers and administrators have begun meeting...
Election "Just A Start" for Minorities
Four out of ten candidates vying for five alderman seats in the City of Frederick’s general election were black, an unprecedented number...
City Election Wrap Up
[Pictured above, Democratic candidates, City of Frederick 2017, courtesy, Democratic Central Committee] The 2017 City of Election went...
Student Inventors Tackle Global Problem
[Pictured above: Members of the FCPS Inven team gather round a prototype of their project to adapt rocket stove technology to produce 300...
City of Frederick Election Results, Update
9:33 p.m. 12/13 [Absentee voting is the 13th precinct] 20.95 percent voter turnout. Mayor Randy McClement [REP] 3,184; 36.46% Michael...