Extras Round Up
Following up on stories in the news Downtown Hotel Conference Center - The $84 million public-private downtown hotel and conference...
Extra Extras! Family Feuding
Social media was all atwitter last night over the family feuding happening between Board of Education President and his stepmom, Del....
Shut Up and Sit Down
UPDATED/REVISED Feb. 2 at 7:32 pm. When Frederick County state delegates confronted their delegation chair about not being allowed to...
Small Farm Business Workshop
Program features best practices for small farms to sell to commercial and institutional buyers As demand for local food soars...
Glad Tidings
Given the headlines lately, “the season of joy” isn’t looking particularly joyful. So here’s a bit of glad tidings for a seasonal boost....
YIKES! 56 S. Market
They say a picture's worth a thousand words. Here's three. All taken by Frederick City's eyes and ears, Ned Bond. Bond is a former...
Golf Commission, What Golf Commission?
Extra Extras is a new section comprised of items that don't necessarily rise to the level of a story, but make for compelling, uplifting...